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Trained tailor & BA Fashion Design Fahmoda, Academy for Fashion & Design, Hanover, 2010


                                           Cut directorate, AMD - Academy for Fashion & Design, Hamburg, 2011



                                                                     Study of Textile Design, Academy of Art Kassel, Prof. Ayzit Bostan, 2013

Unisex Hmed Lui, Mimosa
Anker 1
Neonyt Berlin Model in Kleid Sophia Schneider Esleben

Establishment of the Eco Fashion Label in 2015
Sophia Schneider-Esleben - SSE - Slow • Smart • Eco

How art becomes fashion

SSE revives watercolors and drawings by her grandfather. Paul Schneider-Esleben, one of the most prominent architects of the post-war period, provides the motifs for SSE's fabric designs with his watercolors and sketches. SSE also transforms the designs of artist Emil Schult, the "Eye of Kraftwerk," into artworks for her label. The aim is to graphically adapt the works to the body in their formal expression.

As a fashion designer and cut director, SSE has mastered the composition of body measurements and proportions as well as from materials, colors and patterns. Each design is digitally sized differently for its effect. The selection of artwork always corresponds to a new mix of moods and color trends, whether large- or small-scale, linear or disintegrating, light, dark or vibrant.

Fashion Week Berlin, Neonyt Fashion Show 1.19.

Helen dress + Paul Snow shirt

Ink drawing by Paul Schneider-Esleben

In her digital sketchbook, SSE experiments with the proportions of the digitized artworks. In this way, SSE transforms art into fashion. The next step is to digitally create the final repeats, the repeated patterns for the fabric print. Here, SSE determines how large the pattern will ultimately be for fabric printing, how brilliant the colors will be, and whether the works need to be graphically adjusted. If all parameters are right, the files are printed on organic cotton in Germany or on bamboo in Poland using the inkjet digital reactive process. With drinkable organic inks, color and light fast, without water consumption.

Tuschezeichnung Snow, Paul Schneider-Esleben
Portrait Paul Schneider-Esleben

Paul Schneider-Esleben

Wickelkleid Snow

Fashion designer Sophia Schneider-Esleben

in dress Helena Snow

Slow fashion:

The organic cotton is woven, knitted and printed in Chemnitz according to SSE's designs without water consumption with drinkable organic inks, as they are water-based. All components like fabrics, yarns, buttons, zippers and labels are organic: single variety, vegan and GOTS certified, made in Germany. Sewing is done in Lithuania, at 100% Womenpower. Her collection is compostable, as SSE does not use synthetics. A garment travels from the cotton field in Turkey to the customer only 3,500 km, instead of 65,000 km as in conventional fashion, so the designer already reduces CO2 emissions during transport, due to their regional production in the EU, with no air freight.

Male Model Laufsteg 'Neonyt' Fashion Week Berlin

Fashion Week Berlin, Neonyt Fashion Show 7.19.

Culotte Ann "Mare e Monti Blue", Watercolor Paul Schneider-Esleben

Schneider-Esleben works according to the C2C principle: Larger offcuts that result from production are upcycled into accessories, while smaller scraps are collected by daycare centers in Lithuania for handicrafts. Their production is transparent, as a QR code is sewn into the label. Customers thus land on her website who-made-my-clothes, where all details are described in detail: Material, certification, production sites, washing instructions. In her studio, SSE works with green electricity. SSE uses recycled paper for her packaging, some of which is reused several times​.

Aquarell Mare e Monti blau

Smart fashion:

Schneider-Eslebens fashion language consists of design, craftsmanship and ecology, clever cuts in purist form, casual and business approved, nonseasonal, ageless and unisex. Eco Fashion is the 2nd skin, can be smart & is made in EU!

Eco fashion:


The share of the world market of sustainable fashion is 2% and that of organic cotton is only 1%, this is what SSE wants to change. Since 2015 she is a "Fashion Revolution" Ambassador in Kassel and speaks at universities, schools and fairs about the abuses of the fashion industry as the third largest polluter including the Rana Plaza collapse in 2012, in which 1,200 exploited seamstresses died.


In 2019, SSE has initiated the FashionRevolutionWalk in Kassel in cooperation with Greenpeace with the local lighthouses of the city to network and promote the fashion places where you can promote and buy sustainable and fair fashion.

Portrait Sophia Schneider-Esleben
Sophia Schneider-Esleben - Aquarell von Paul Schneider-Esleben
Sophia Schneider-Esleben - Aquarell von Paul-Schneider-Esleben
Kollektion 'Hommage 4' von Sophia Schneider-Esleben

Watercolor "Mimosa" & "Mohn", PSE, Collection Homage 4, Model Susanna Goonawardana

Emil Schult, 2021

Collection "Homage 5" - TEE Collection

Cooperations & Projects

TEE Zug Emil Schult Negativ

Safety, safety baby

Three-layer masks made from residual materials 3.20

Masken Sophia Schneider Esleben
Sophia Schneider-Esleben und Emil Schult
Trans Europa Express, Merino Wolle

Stay for Ukraine

PSE Taube

Dove, Tuschezeichnung Paul Schneider-Esleben
Sophia Schneider-Esleben in Friedensshirt


Lectures on EcoFashionTrends since 2015

  • B2B trade fairs: Music Fabric Start, Heimtextil, Neonyt

  • Trade fairs B2C: Greenpeace, Designers Open,      Heldenmarkt

  • Universities: TU Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences Niedrrhein, Sigmaringen Fashion School


  • 100 years of Bauhaus, exhibition as part of the Hamburg Architecture Summer with the collection "Hommage 1", EcoConceptStore "Werte Freunde", Hamburg 8.19

  • Exhibition, Ludwig Beck Munich with collection "Hommage 5" 10.21

  • Exhibition, The Pool Düsseldorf with collection "Hommage 1 + 5" 6.22

  • Exhibition, Galeria Kassel with collection "Hommage 6" 7.22

Panel Neonyt, Sophia Schneider-Esleben
fashionreviolution ambassador Sophia Schneider-Esleben

Who made my clothes

As a OneWomenShow of her EcoLabel, SSE has a long chain of producers and suppliers close to her heart. She is grateful for the high quality they provide her, along with friendship and reliability. In the labels of her collections you will find her QR code, which will lead you to her page. As a Fashion Revolution Ambassador, Schneider-Esleben fights for fair fashion with transparency and responsibility in fashion.

Textile printing shop, Chemnitz since 2017

Drinkable organic dyes since water-based, fabrics are knitted & printed on site on organic cotton, linen & silk.

Who made my clothes, Bio Farben
Who made my clothes, Textildruck

Fabric printing, Poland since 2020

Woven, printed, knitted on site, organic bamboo

Who made my clothes, Strickerei

Sewing factory, Lithuania since 2019

Digitalization of prototypes into cuts & production of collections, 100% WomenPower, Made in EU

Who made my clothes, Made by women in Lithuania

Label manufacturer, Dresden since 2017

Woven & printed on site with QR code.

"Who made my clothes?"

Who made my clothes, Etiketten

Button manufactory, Frankfurt since 2018

Stone nut buttons with laser cut logo,

Women led

Who made my clothes, Knöpfe aus FFM
Who made my clothes, Knöpfe aus FFM
Anker 2

Watercolor lover

Berlinale 1.20

Kleid Marie, QR Weiß
Hemd Paul, Bali
Hemd Paul, Snow
Hemd Paul, Snow
Coulotte Ann, Mare e Monti Blau
Tube dress, Bali

"Consume small but fine, take responsibility for what you wear!"

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